
icoAdmission is open to Class I. those seeking admission should be 5 years of age on 1st April of the year of admission for ClassI. Admission is open to all students irrespective of religion, caste and community.

icoThere will be an interview of the parents and the child before the child is selected for admission on a date and time intimated at the time of registration.

icoAdmission will be made on the result of the Interview /Test depending on the numbers of the seats available in the class concerned. Parents and guardians should not put pressure on the principal for admission through recommendations or through any other sources.

icoThe principal reserves the right to refuse admission to anybody without assigning any reason for her action.

icoApplication for admission/registration from should be accompanied by an authentic document containing the child’s date of birth i.e. We accept only Corporation, Municipality or Baptismal Certificate (only for Christians). Affidavit or hospital certificate will not be accepted. Date of Birth once registered cannot be altered.